Both platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and fibrin-rich plasma (PRF) are processes in which a natural solution is prepared by extracting blood from the patient and using the processed product to regenerate certain tissues.

The difference between the two is that PRF can be considered second generation as it offers more advantages than its predecessor, PRP.
Thus, PRF is a 100% autologous biomaterial that accelerates wound healing and tissue regeneration, increasing the formation of bone and new blood vessels.

This procedure is carried out in an office with blood collection prior to treatment and can be used as for any surgery as well as for facial and follicular aesthetic treatments (correction of expression lines, strengthening of the scalp, etc.).

Let's make a free appointment to take care of your oral health.

Advantages of platelet-rich plasma

The millions of platelets contained in the blood are primarily responsible for the repair process of damaged tissues.
When activated, platelets release the growth factors necessary for self-repair and natural regeneration of the affected areas.

PRF contains approximately 10 times the concentration of platelets as normal blood, so it has great healing and regenerative properties.

This leads to:

  • a greater acceleration of bone repair
  • a reduction in localised pain and inflammation
  • shorter recovery times
  • faster healing of wounds

Let's make a free appointment to take care of your oral health.


Frequently Asked Questions

For blood collection, a fine needle is used as for blood tests and placement in the wound is accompanied by local anaesthesia.

The simple act of drawing blood causes a small drop in blood pressure. Even so, when donating blood, 500ml is usually given and in these procedures we only draw 30 to 100ml. The simple fact of being at the dentist’s office raises the blood pressure, so we are talking about very small values to have to emphasise. Even so, having a good breakfast and coming well rested helps to make the procedure lighter.

Some patients prefer not to have blood drawn. This procedure is relatively new and gives us enormous advantages but similar results can be achieved without the use of PRF.

Héctor Fernández-Baca Suárez

Specialist in Periodontics, Surgery, Implants, Rehabilitation and TMJ. Course in Dental Aesthetics

Javier Fernández-Baca Suárez

Expert Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation - Specialist in TMJ. Course in surgery, implants and digital dentistry. ​

Héctor Fernández-Baca Ramos

Master's degree in Endodontics from Harvard University.
He has more than 35 years of experience and is a reference in his field.​


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