It consists of the placement of a fixed prosthesis to rehabilitate missing teeth, collaborating in better bone preservation. It is a long-lasting treatment and prevents bone resorption.

A screw is placed in the bone and then the tooth to be replaced is screwed or cemented. This avoids the collapse of adjacent teeth and the bite, maintaining the space of the original tooth.
It is painless and does not affect neighbouring teeth. With this procedure, the user gains in comfort and naturalness, improving the condition and health of the entire oral cavity.

Let's make a free appointment to take care of your oral health.


How Dental Implants work

Clinical diagnosis

Taking impressions

Implant placement


Advantages of Dental Implants

Implant placement transforms a removable prosthesis into a fixed prosthesis, which results in improved bone preservation and optimises chewing function.

The rehabilitation of missing teeth restores confidence when smiling and avoids the collapse of adjacent teeth.

We are dentists specialising in Implantology and Surgery and we carry out digitalised treatment planning with 3D X-rays for absolute precision.

We guarantee the complete completion of the treatment always offering the highest professional quality to each patient with a multitude of completed clinical cases as an example.

Let's make a free appointment to take care of your oral health.


Preguntas frecuentes 

Depende de cada caso. Si el caso es favorable, se coloca el implante y a los 2-3 meses (Tiempo de cicatrización ósea) se coloca la protesis sobre éste.

No. Se utliza anestesia local y en la gran mayoría de casos no duele. El postoperatorio puede variar según la complejidad del caso.

Se trata de una cirugía menor. Sin embargo, tiene riesgos como todas las cirugías. Depende del paciente y del estado de salud bucodental.

Depende de si es unitario o forma parte de una rehabilitación más completa. El implante unitario tiene un valor de 1400€ por pieza.


Héctor Fernández-Baca Suárez

Specialist in Periodontics, Surgery, Implants, Rehabilitation and TMJ. Course in Dental Aesthetics

Javier Fernández-Baca Suárez

Expert Master's Degree in Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation - Specialist in TMJ. Course in surgery, implants and digital dentistry. ​

Héctor Fernández-Baca Ramos

Master's degree in Endodontics from Harvard University.
He has more than 35 years of experience and is a reference in his field.​


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